8. AMQP and RabbitMQ

This chapter covers configuration and debugging of RabbitMQ, a popular AMQP message bus service.

8.1. RabbitMQ use in DIMS

AMQP (specifically RabbitMQ) is discussed in Sections DIMS architectural design and System Software Architecture of DIMS Architecture Design v 2.10.0, and the specifics of the server initially configured for use in DIMS is documented in Section dimsasbuilt:rabbitmq of dimsasbuilt:dimsasbuilt. Its use for processing logs within DIMS is discussed in Section dimsparselogs:introtologparsing of dimsparselogs:parsinglogswithdims.


While RabbitMQ is documented extensively on their web site, it is sometimes hard to interpret what it says. Another very useful resource is Chapter 8: Administering RabbitMQ from the Web from RabbitMQ in Action: Distributed messaging for everyone, by Alvaro Videla and Jason J. W. Williams.

8.2. Basic Service Administration

RabbitMQ is started/stopped/restarted/queried for status just like any other Ubuntu service using the service command as root. Its configuration files and settings are found in /etc/rabbitmq and /etc/default/rabbitmq-server, and its log files in /var/log/rabbitmq/.

root@rabbitmq:~# cd /etc/rabbitmq
root@rabbitmq:/etc/rabbitmq# tree
├── enabled_plugins
├── rabbitmq.config
├── rabbitmq.conf.d
└── rabbitmq-env.conf

1 directory, 3 files
root@rabbitmq:/etc/rabbitmq# cat rabbitmq.config
[{inet_dist_listen_min, 45000},
{inet_dist_listen_max, 45000}
root@rabbitmq:/var/log/rabbitmq# cat /etc/default/rabbitmq-server
ulimit -n 1024


The ulimit setting here controls the number of open file handles a process can have. A server with lots of connections needs a higher limit than the default, hence this setting. See [rabbitmq-discuss] Increasing the file descriptors limit and mozilla/opsec-puppet and Increase RabbitMQ file descriptor limit and memory watermark without restart.

root@b52:/etc/rabbitmq# rabbitmqctl status | grep -A 4 file_descriptors
root@rabbitmq:/etc/rabbitmq# cd /var/log/rabbitmq
root@rabbitmq:/var/log/rabbitmq# tree
├── rabbit@rabbitmq.log
├── rabbit@rabbitmq-sasl.log
├── shutdown_log
└── startup_log

0 directories, 4 files

8.3. Managing RabbitMQ

RabbitMQ can be administered in two ways: (1) manually, using the built-in web interface, or (2) using command line tools like rabbitmqctl and rabbitmqadmin.

To get access to the management interface, you must enabled rabbitmq_management in the RabbitMQ configuration:

 root@rabbitmq:/etc/rabbitmq# cat rabbitmq-env.conf
 RABBITMQ_SERVER_START_ARGS="-rabbitmq_management listener [{port,15672}]"

 # Source other environment files (that include ONLY variable settings,
 # not RabbitMQ configuration
 for ENVFILE in `ls /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.conf.d |sort -r`; do
     . /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.conf.d/$ENVFILE

Once you do this, and restart the server, two things become available. The first is a web interface, and the second is access to a downloadable (from the RabbitMQ server itself) script named rabbitmqadmin.

8.3.1. Using the web interface

You can see the web management interface in Figure RabbitMQ Mangement Interface Login Screen and Figure Figure RabbitMQ Mangement Interface Home Screen.


RabbitMQ Mangement Interface Login Screen


RabbitMQ Mangement Interface Home Screen

8.3.2. Using the command line

The RabbitMQ service daemons are started like any other service on Ubuntu 14.04.

root@b52:~# service rabbitmq-server restart
 * Restarting message broker rabbitmq-server

There are multiple ways with Linux to discover the listening port number. You can identify the process names with ps or pstree to map to output of netstat, use lsof, and the epmd command:

root@b52:~# pstree -p | less
init(1)-+- ...
        |  ...
        |               |-lightdm(3363)-+-init(4946)-+-at-spi-bus-laun(5140)-+-dbus-daemon(5144)
        |               |               |            |-rabbitmq-server(19303)---beam.smp(19311)-+-inet_gethost(19492)---inet_gethos+
        |               |               |            |                                          |-{beam.smp}(19408)
        |               |               |            |                                          |-{beam.smp}(19409)
        |               |               |            |                                          | ...
        |               |               |            |                                          |-{beam.smp}(19451)
        |               |               |            |                                          `-{beam.smp}(19452)
        | ...
root@b52:~# netstat -pan | grep beam
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      19311/beam.smp
tcp        0      0          ESTABLISHED 19311/beam.smp
tcp6       0      0 :::5672                 :::*                    LISTEN      19311/beam.smp
root@b52:~# lsof -i | grep beam
beam.smp  19311        rabbitmq    8u  IPv4 27589259      0t0  TCP *:45000 (LISTEN)
beam.smp  19311        rabbitmq    9u  IPv4 27589261      0t0  TCP localhost:51156->localhost:epmd (ESTABLISHED)
beam.smp  19311        rabbitmq   16u  IPv6 27580219      0t0  TCP *:amqp (LISTEN)
root@b52:~# epmd -names
epmd: up and running on port 4369 with data:
name rabbit at port 45000

There are two ways of getting the exact same information on the runtime status of RabbitMQ. The first uses rabbitmqctl directly. The second uses service rabbitmq-server status. They are both shown here:

 root@rabbitmq:/etc/rabbitmq# rabbitmqctl status
 Status of node rabbit@rabbitmq ...
      [{rabbitmq_management,"RabbitMQ Management Console","0.0.0"},
       {rabbitmq_management_agent,"RabbitMQ Management Agent","0.0.0"},
       {amqp_client,"RabbitMQ AMQP Client","0.0.0"},
       {os_mon,"CPO  CXC 138 46","2.2.7"},
       {sasl,"SASL  CXC 138 11","2.1.10"},
       {rabbitmq_mochiweb,"RabbitMQ Mochiweb Embedding","0.0.0"},
       {mochiweb,"MochiMedia Web Server","1.3-rmq0.0.0-git"},
       {inets,"INETS  CXC 138 49","5.7.1"},
       {mnesia,"MNESIA  CXC 138 12","4.5"},
       {stdlib,"ERTS  CXC 138 10","1.17.5"},
       {kernel,"ERTS  CXC 138 10","2.14.5"}]},
      "Erlang R14B04 (erts-5.8.5) [source] [64-bit] [smp:16:16] [rq:16] [async-threads:30] [kernel-poll:true]\n"},
 root@rabbitmq:/etc/rabbitmq# service rabbitmq-server status
 Status of node rabbit@rabbitmq ...
      [{rabbitmq_management,"RabbitMQ Management Console","0.0.0"},
       {rabbitmq_management_agent,"RabbitMQ Management Agent","0.0.0"},
       {amqp_client,"RabbitMQ AMQP Client","0.0.0"},
       {os_mon,"CPO  CXC 138 46","2.2.7"},
       {sasl,"SASL  CXC 138 11","2.1.10"},
       {rabbitmq_mochiweb,"RabbitMQ Mochiweb Embedding","0.0.0"},
       {mochiweb,"MochiMedia Web Server","1.3-rmq0.0.0-git"},
       {inets,"INETS  CXC 138 49","5.7.1"},
       {mnesia,"MNESIA  CXC 138 12","4.5"},
       {stdlib,"ERTS  CXC 138 10","1.17.5"},
       {kernel,"ERTS  CXC 138 10","2.14.5"}]},
      "Erlang R14B04 (erts-5.8.5) [source] [64-bit] [smp:16:16] [rq:16] [async-threads:30] [kernel-poll:true]\n"},

The following shows how to get a copy of the rabbitmqadmin script and make it executable from the command line.

root@rabbitmq:/etc/rabbitmq# wget http://localhost:55672/cli/rabbitmqadmin
root@rabbitmq:/etc/rabbitmq# chmod +x rabbitmqadmin


These steps should be done immediately after initial RabbitMQ installation when creating Ansible playbooks, the script turned into a Jinja2 template, and installed into the $PATH for direct access from the command line (as opposed to being run with a relative path after changing directory into the /etc/rabbitmq directory as shown here).

The rabbitmqadmin script has a help option that provides information on how to use it.

root@rabbitmq:/etc/rabbitmq# ./rabbitmqadmin help subcommands
  rabbitmqadmin [options] subcommand

  where subcommand is one of:


  list users [<column>...]
  list vhosts [<column>...]
  list connections [<column>...]
  list exchanges [<column>...]
  list bindings [<column>...]
  list permissions [<column>...]
  list channels [<column>...]
  list parameters [<column>...]
  list queues [<column>...]
  list policies [<column>...]
  list nodes [<column>...]
  show overview [<column>...]

Object Manipulation

  declare queue name=... [node=... auto_delete=... durable=... arguments=...]
  declare vhost name=... [tracing=...]
  declare user name=... password=... tags=...
  declare exchange name=... type=... [auto_delete=... internal=... durable=... arguments=...]
  declare policy name=... pattern=... definition=... [priority=... apply-to=...]
  declare parameter component=... name=... value=...
  declare permission vhost=... user=... configure=... write=... read=...
  declare binding source=... destination=... [arguments=... routing_key=... destination_type=...]
  delete queue name=...
  delete vhost name=...
  delete user name=...
  delete exchange name=...
  delete policy name=...
  delete parameter component=... name=...
  delete permission vhost=... user=...
  delete binding source=... destination_type=... destination=... properties_key=...
  close connection name=...
  purge queue name=...

Broker Definitions

  export <file>
  import <file>

Publishing and Consuming

  publish routing_key=... [payload=... payload_encoding=... exchange=...]
  get queue=... [count=... requeue=... payload_file=... encoding=...]

  * If payload is not specified on publish, standard input is used

  * If payload_file is not specified on get, the payload will be shown on
    standard output along with the message metadata

  * If payload_file is specified on get, count must not be set

Here rabbitmqadmin is used to get a list of the currently defined exchanges:

root@rabbitmq:/etc/rabbitmq# ./rabbitmqadmin list exchanges
| vhost |        name        |  type   | auto_delete | durable | internal |
| /     |                    | direct  | False       | True    | False    |
| /     | amq.direct         | direct  | False       | True    | False    |
| /     | amq.fanout         | fanout  | False       | True    | False    |
| /     | amq.headers        | headers | False       | True    | False    |
| /     | amq.match          | headers | False       | True    | False    |
| /     | amq.rabbitmq.log   | topic   | False       | True    | False    |
| /     | amq.rabbitmq.trace | topic   | False       | True    | False    |
| /     | amq.topic          | topic   | False       | True    | False    |
| /     | devops             | fanout  | False       | True    | False    |
| /     | log_task           | direct  | False       | True    | False    |
| /     | logs               | fanout  | False       | False   | False    |

We can now define a new fanout exchange where we can direct log messages for later processing using rabbitmqadmin, rather than the web interface:

root@rabbitmq:/etc/rabbitmq# ./rabbitmqadmin declare exchange name=health type=fanout auto_delete=false durable=true internal=false
exchange declared
root@rabbitmq:/etc/rabbitmq# ./rabbitmqadmin list exchanges
| vhost |        name        |  type   | auto_delete | durable | internal |
| /     |                    | direct  | False       | True    | False    |
| /     | amq.direct         | direct  | False       | True    | False    |
| /     | amq.fanout         | fanout  | False       | True    | False    |
| /     | amq.headers        | headers | False       | True    | False    |
| /     | amq.match          | headers | False       | True    | False    |
| /     | amq.rabbitmq.log   | topic   | False       | True    | False    |
| /     | amq.rabbitmq.trace | topic   | False       | True    | False    |
| /     | amq.topic          | topic   | False       | True    | False    |
| /     | devops             | fanout  | False       | True    | False    |
| /     | health             | fanout  | False       | True    | False    |
| /     | log_task           | direct  | False       | True    | False    |
| /     | logs               | fanout  | False       | False   | False    |

After creating all of the broker objects we wish to have in the default server (using either the web interface and/or rabbitmqadmin) you can export a JSON file that can be put under Ansible control for later import into a newly instantiated RabbitMQ server. (See Loading rabbitmq config at startup.)


There are passwords in this output (which are redacted here). Keep this file secure and do not put it in a public source repository without encryption or templating (e.g., with Jinja2).

root@rabbitmq:/etc/rabbitmq# ./rabbitmqadmin export broker-objects.json
Exported definitions for localhost to "broker-objects.json"
root@rabbitmq:/etc/rabbitmq# python -m json.tool broker-objects.json
    "bindings": [
            "arguments": {},
            "destination": "log_task",
            "destination_type": "queue",
            "routing_key": "log_task",
            "source": "log_task",
            "vhost": "/"
            "arguments": {},
            "destination": "log_test_queue",
            "destination_type": "queue",
            "routing_key": "",
            "source": "test_exchange",
            "vhost": "/"
            "arguments": {},
            "destination": "taskqueue",
            "destination_type": "queue",
            "routing_key": "",
            "source": "test_exchange",
            "vhost": "/"
            "arguments": {},
            "destination": "test_exchange",
            "destination_type": "queue",
            "routing_key": "test_exchange",
            "source": "test_exchange",
            "vhost": "/"
    "exchanges": [
            "arguments": {},
            "auto_delete": false,
            "durable": true,
            "internal": false,
            "name": "test_exchange",
            "type": "direct",
            "vhost": "/"
            "arguments": {},
            "auto_delete": false,
            "durable": true,
            "internal": false,
            "name": "devops",
            "type": "fanout",
            "vhost": "/"
            "arguments": {},
            "auto_delete": false,
            "durable": true,
            "internal": false,
            "name": "test",
            "type": "fanout",
            "vhost": "/"
            "arguments": {},
            "auto_delete": false,
            "durable": true,
            "internal": false,
            "name": "health",
            "type": "fanout",
            "vhost": "/"
            "arguments": {},
            "auto_delete": false,
            "durable": false,
            "internal": false,
            "name": "logs",
            "type": "fanout",
            "vhost": "/"
            "arguments": {},
            "auto_delete": false,
            "durable": true,
            "internal": false,
            "name": "log_task",
            "type": "direct",
            "vhost": "/"
    "permissions": [
            "configure": ".*",
            "read": ".*",
            "user": "rpc_user",
            "vhost": "/",
            "write": ".*"
            "configure": ".*",
            "read": ".*",
            "user": "logmatrix",
            "vhost": "/",
            "write": ".*"
            "configure": ".*",
            "read": ".*",
            "user": "hutchman",
            "vhost": "/",
            "write": ".*"
    "queues": [
            "arguments": {},
            "auto_delete": false,
            "durable": false,
            "name": "crosscor_test_0.5.5",
            "vhost": "/"
            "arguments": {},
            "auto_delete": false,
            "durable": true,
            "name": "taskqueue",
            "vhost": "/"
            "arguments": {},
            "auto_delete": false,
            "durable": false,
            "name": "cifbulk_v1_0.5.5",
            "vhost": "/"
            "arguments": {},
            "auto_delete": false,
            "durable": true,
            "name": "test_exchange",
            "vhost": "/"
            "arguments": {},
            "auto_delete": false,
            "durable": false,
            "name": "anon_0.5.5",
            "vhost": "/"
            "arguments": {},
            "auto_delete": false,
            "durable": true,
            "name": "log_task",
            "vhost": "/"
            "arguments": {},
            "auto_delete": false,
            "durable": false,
            "name": "cifbulk_v1_test_0.5.5",
            "vhost": "/"
            "arguments": {},
            "auto_delete": false,
            "durable": false,
            "name": "crosscor_0.5.5",
            "vhost": "/"
            "arguments": {},
            "auto_delete": false,
            "durable": true,
            "name": "log_queue_test",
            "vhost": "/"
            "arguments": {},
            "auto_delete": false,
            "durable": true,
            "name": "log_test_queue",
            "vhost": "/"
            "arguments": {},
            "auto_delete": false,
            "durable": false,
            "name": "anon_test_0.5.5",
            "vhost": "/"
    "rabbit_version": "2.7.1",
    "users": [
            "name": "hutchman",
            "password_hash": "REDACTED",
            "tags": "administrator"
            "name": "logmatrix",
            "password_hash": "REDACTED",
            "tags": "administrator"
            "name": "rpc_user",
            "password_hash": "REDACTED",
            "tags": ""
    "vhosts": [
            "name": "/"

8.4. Management with Ansible playbooks